Monday, April 2, 2012

Photo Shoot

Michelle Cornwell-Jordan, author of the newly released Night School: Vampire Hunter (Angel) book, sent me some pictures from a recent photo shoot for her books.
This is a sample. I just thought this was a really cool picture and if you go to her website (, I believe that she has more posted there.

My interest in this is that I have a horrible time taking pictures! I bought the photos I used for the book trailer for Silver Knight, as well as the photo for the cover. It was well worth it I thought, since I just feel that's not part of my creativity. Now what I can do is modify the pictures once I get them. It's the getting that's the problem. I'm currently looking for photos for my second book and trying to determine the direction the cover should take. I've spent countless hours hunting and then modifying and combining pictures. But lightning hasn't struck yet and I'm envious of Michelle for taking her own. But as said, I'm horrible. *sigh*

What about you?


Kittie Howard said...

I wouldn't know where to start with a cover and have a tinge of envy for those who know what they're doing. So, like you, I open ye ole wallet. But, hang in there, what you're looking for will surface.

Caron Rider, Author said...

Thanks Kittie!