Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Social Network Dilemma

I hope you all enjoy Jamie B. Musings' guest post as much as I have!
Welcome to my blog Jamie!
J.B. Musings
I’m going to be honest here. I spent several days debating what my topic for this post should be. I’d sit and try to come up with topics, but couldn’t settle on anything and the panic started to rise as the deadline neared. Can you tell I was a Journalism major? The good thing is, the panic and pressure of a deadline gets me moving and then I had it.

Social Networking. It’s the reason I’m guesting here today. I met Caron through a Novel Publicity group on Goodreads and we agreed to exchange guest posts. I've been thinking about social networking lately because the writing club I’m in has been debating the merits of new marketing vs. traditional methods. I sided with Team Social Media for a lot of reasons.

First of all, it’s free. You don’t have to pay one cent to get yourself all over google and other platforms, how can you go wrong? This is crucial for any indie author/blogger/musician looking to survive in a time where every penny counts (it's called being a starving artist for a reason).

Secondly, it can be a great creative outlet. Last year, I started making some banners, videos and trailers for my husband, CP Bialois, as well as for my own blog. I had a great time doing so and became addicted to making them. Creative juices we stirred and next thing I knew CP talked me into participating in NaNoWriMo. Writing that book ended up inspiring me to try photography and the pets started looking for new hiding places.

Third of all, social networking has exposed me to writers and books I may never have learned about otherwise. Memoirs Aren’t Fairytales, Farsighted, and The Forever Girl are all new favorites of mine. I’m also looking forward to several releases by other authors I met thanks to the online writing community.

That brings me to the most important reason I’m firmly behind the social networking trend: a sense of community. Many of the people I come across in my day-to-day life think CP’s and my projects are cool, but they don’t understand the struggles involved and the headaches (usually during the editing process- we’re looking into buying stock in red pens). It’s a fight to get some of them to understand that this is more than some “hobby”- it’s a job. The writers and bloggers I meet online get it and are usually quick to offer support and advice when you’re in need. The writing community has been a huge blessing in that respect and I’m glad to count so many of the funny and interesting people there as friends.

What do you think about the traditional marketing vs. new media debate? What has the social networking world done for you? I'd love to hear about it. Thanks for hosting me, Caron. May the Karma be with you!

Jamie's BIO:
Jamie B. Musings is a music addict, book lover, pet servant & NaNoWriMo survivor. When she's not busy writing posts for CultureShock, she's taking pictures for her new obsession (That Photo Blog) and spending time with her husband and pets. Her first book, The Life and Times of No One in Particular, is slated to be released this year and is currently in the hands of beta readers and the red pen of doom.

Jamie's Links:

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