As many of you know, I live in rural Missouri…just moved
here this past year. Since I hail from the south and love plants, I thought I’d
better get a greenhouse to try to preserve some of my flowers and to start
seeds early. So I bought a kit. Sounds easy enough, right? Except I couldn’t
figure out these little clippy things that were meant to attach the plastic
windowpanes to the metal frame. So I used screws to fasten the pane to the
frame. Well, I was a little short on screws (no, that’s not a euphemism on my
intelligence although after this story you might think so), so I only put two
screws per pane no matter how large the pane was. So things were breezing right
along until last week when one of the panes took flight! I tracked it down but
still didn’t have screws…so to re-attach it I used duct tape! We had a blow
last night that had 70 mile an hour gusts…the panes are all there but boy do I
feel like a redneck!
My dad would die! Absolutely have a fit if I put a pic on the web of it. ;) Get this, he so couldn't stand the duct tape that he said he would find me some "invisible" duct tape...clear packing tape. I'm in the process of changing it all out. I have to admit, with the clear packing tape, you can't even tell it's taped. But, hey, what ever works, right? :)
Very useful content with excellent ideas. I really appreciate your post, thank you for sharing. Greenhouses are like a protective shedding for the plants that can be of any material such as plastic, metals or glass. The basic idea a greenhouse is based on is to control and use the heat or warmth of sunlight effectively and preventing it from transferring out of the greenhouse structure, which is made of plastic or glass, so that plants can get suitable environmental conditions to grow up.
For more information related to what is green house and green house design please visit : Dessons.In
Thanks Richard, I've been very surprised at how warm it is in the greenhouse during really cold warm I've had to take my jacket off inside it! :)
Fixed your greenhouse with a little 'Alabama Chrome'. I love it!
Well, the 'Alabama Chrome' has turned into little flapping wings as the panes took flight today (3/6/12). I was out scrounging around in the woods looking for several panes. We've had horrendous winds! Lost one of those spinny things off the top of the roof too!
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